Average Student Loan Interest Rates for 2024 - Crediful (2024)

Student loans are a reality for many college students in the United States. While taking out student loans may be imperative to pursuing higher education, they can also be confusing and leave you straddled with student loan debt for years to come.

Average Student Loan Interest Rates for 2024 - Crediful (1)

To deal with this reality responsibly, it’s important to understand the complexities of student loans. That means understanding the difference between federal loans, grants, and private student loans. It also means navigating interest rates and the way they will affect your financial future.

Here’s a guide to understanding the average student loan interest rates and how they fit into your finances as you make your way through college and beyond:

What should you know before you take out a federal student loan?

Education is important, and that includes educating yourself on student loan interest rates and the intricacies of taking out these loans.

Average Interest Rates

Here are the average interest rates for federal student loans from 2006 to 2023:

  • Undergraduate students – 4.67%
  • Graduate students – 6.23%
  • PLUS loans for students and parents – 7.27%

Interest Rates for 2023-2024

The federal student loan interest rate for the 2023-2024 school year is:

  • Undergraduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans: 5.498%​​
  • Graduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans: 7.048%​​​​
  • Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans: 8.048%​​​​
  • Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans: 8.048%​​​​

Federal student loans are disbursed with what are known as “grace periods,” which vary in length depending on the kind of loan you have taken out.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Direct Subsidized Loans, Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans, and Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans all have a six-month grace period. This means that, upon graduation or falling below half-time student status, you’ll have six months before you have to begin repaying your student loans.

Meanwhile, PLUS loans, which both students and parents can apply for, have no grace period. Once you have received your first payout for this type of loan, you’ll need to begin repaying right away. PLUS and other loans can also include fees you’ll need to pay upfront, which vary on the size of the loan.

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Best Private Student Loans

How are student loan interest rates trending?

Federal and private student loan rates have shifted, trending sharply up and down over the past 10 years. Keep in mind that, while you may take out a loan with a specific interest rate as an incoming freshman or first-year graduate student, loan rates shift each year.

As a result, the interest rates change each year. This can greatly affect the status of your loan and, ultimately, your monthly bills upon graduation.

In general, federal student loan rates are on the rise. In 2008, the average student loan interest rate was 6.0% for undergraduates and 6.8% for graduate students.

In 2008, PLUS loan recipients took out loans with a 7.9% interest rate. Grad students and PLUS loan applicants’ interest rates remained stable from 2006 to 2012, then experienced a general downward trend. Direct Unsubsidized Loans for graduates are at 5.28% and Direct PLUS Loans are at 6.28% as of 2022.

Meanwhile, federal undergraduate loan interest rates declined significantly from 2008, bottoming out at 3.4% in 2011. Since then, they have risen, as well, and show signs of continuing to increase over the years to come. As of 2022, undergraduate loan rates stood at 3.73%, with signs pointing toward a continued upward trend.

What are average interest rates for private student loans?

Oftentimes, a federal student loan isn’t enough. This is where private student loans come into play. They can help you supplement the gaps between federal loans and personal funding. Perhaps unsurprisingly, these rates tend to skew higher than standard federal student loans. However, they remain close to loan rates offered by the PLUS student and parent program.

Private loans can also be more complex to sort through, as loan rates vary from one lender to the next. You’ll have to shop around for the best private lenders and weigh your options accordingly.

Consider the following figures based on a $10,000 loan from a typical private lender, when you apply without a cosigner:

  • 5-year variable interest rate – 8.86%
  • 5-year variable interest rate with deferred payment – 9.45%
  • 10-year fixed interest rate – 9.75%
  • 10-year fixed interest rate with deferred payment – 9.97%

Clearly, these rates are significantly higher than federal loan rates, even at federal loans’ highest levels. However, if you’re looking for a way to save, there is the option to include a cosigner on your application.

How will cosigners affect student loan interest rates?

A cosigner is essentially someone who will join you on your loan application. This person will take on the responsibility for your loan in the case that you cannot repay your loan. As a result, your loan becomes their loan, so entering this agreement is a personal, as well as a financial one.

If you find yourself in a position where you cannot make monthly payments on your loan, this will have a negative effect on your cosigner’s credit as well as your own. Keep this in mind as you consider including a cosigner on your student loan application.

That said, if you have access to a cosigner whom you are comfortable entering a financial relationship, that person can be of great benefit to your loan application. Ideally, you’ll want to select a cosigner with a long and positive credit history, which can be a boon to your credit status.

This can be especially helpful if, as an incoming college student, you don’t have a long credit history or any credit history at all.

Here are a few scenarios where you can see the difference in rates between applications with and without cosigners:

  • Borrower credit score – 610
    • Interest rate without cosigner: 12%
    • Interest rate with cosigner: 7.6%
  • Borrower credit score – 700
    • Interest rate without cosigner: 9.31%
    • Interest rate with cosigner: 6.15%

The difference in these interest rates can add up to thousands over the life of your loan. If you have low credit or no credit at all, utilizing a cosigner in borrowing a private loan can be of great help to your current and financial future.

What else should you consider?

A student loan, whether federal or not, is a loan just like any other, which means it comes with both pros and cons. Be sure to shop around for the best rates possible and do the math ahead of time, rather than signing up for the maximum you can take out.

If possible, pay as much as you can from your own funds. Chip away at your debt as much as you can as soon as your grace period ends. Explore other funding options such as grants and scholarships, as well as work-study at your school and other creative ways to keep the sum of your loan as small as possible.

Unfortunately, you may have to consider the overall price, too, as some private institutions are exorbitantly expensive. If you receive funding from a school without the hefty price tag, it may be worth it to reconsider your school of choice.

On the other hand, education is a unique experience, and everyone has their own priorities. Just don’t count out your options until you’ve explored them all. And that includes taking into account student loan interest rates.

Average Student Loan Interest Rates for 2024 - Crediful (2)

Meet the author

Anne Bouleanu

Anne Bouleanu is a freelance journalist based in Chicago. She has worked with outlets including the BBC, Bloomberg, and Al Jazeera, among others.

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I am an expert and enthusiast assistant. I have access to a wide range of information and can provide insights on various topics. I can help you understand the complexities of student loans, including the different types of loans, interest rates, and considerations when taking out a loan.

Now, let's dive into the information related to the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Federal Student Loans:

Federal student loans are loans offered by the U.S. Department of Education to help students and their parents pay for higher education. These loans typically have lower interest rates and more flexible repayment options compared to private student loans. The article mentions the average interest rates for federal student loans from 2006 to 2023:

  • Undergraduate students: 4.67%

  • Graduate students: 6.23%

  • PLUS loans for students and parents: 7.27% For the 2023-2024 school year, the federal student loan interest rates are as follows:

  • Undergraduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans: 5.498%

  • Graduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans: 7.048%

  • Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans: 8.048%

  • Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans: 8.048% Federal student loans also come with grace periods, which vary depending on the type of loan. Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Direct Subsidized Loans, Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans, and Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans have a six-month grace period, meaning you have six months after graduation or falling below half-time student status before you have to start repaying the loans. On the other hand, PLUS loans have no grace period, and repayment begins immediately after receiving the first payout.

Private Student Loans:

Private student loans are loans offered by private lenders, such as banks or credit unions, to help students cover educational expenses. These loans can be used to supplement federal loans or cover the full cost of education. Private student loans typically have higher interest rates compared to federal loans. The article provides examples of average interest rates for private student loans from a typical private lender:

  • 5-year variable interest rate: 8.86%
  • 5-year variable interest rate with deferred payment: 9.45%
  • 10-year fixed interest rate: 9.75%
  • 10-year fixed interest rate with deferred payment: 9.97% It's important to note that private loan rates can vary among lenders, so it's advisable to shop around and compare options.

Cosigners and Interest Rates:

A cosigner is someone who joins you on your loan application and shares the responsibility for repaying the loan. Having a cosigner can be beneficial, especially if you have a limited credit history or a low credit score. The article provides examples of how cosigners can affect student loan interest rates:

  • Borrower credit score: 610
    • Interest rate without cosigner: 12%
    • Interest rate with cosigner: 7.6%
  • Borrower credit score: 700
    • Interest rate without cosigner: 9.31%
    • Interest rate with cosigner: 6.15% Including a cosigner with a strong credit history can help you secure a lower interest rate on your loan.

Considerations and Tips:

When taking out student loans, it's important to consider various factors and make informed decisions. Here are some tips mentioned in the article:

  • Shop around for the best rates and consider both federal and private loan options.
  • Pay as much as you can from your own funds and minimize the amount of debt you take on.
  • Explore other funding options such as grants, scholarships, and work-study programs.
  • Consider the overall cost of education and weigh the benefits of different schools.
  • Be aware of the pros and cons of student loans and make responsible financial decisions.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or student loan expert for personalized advice based on your specific situation.

I hope this information helps you understand the complexities of student loans and make informed decisions. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!

Average Student Loan Interest Rates for 2024 - Crediful (2024)


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